The SBE awards yearly special prizes to recognize excellence in the field of Biophysics in the following three categories. 



This prize recognizes an outstanding Biophysics career, performed in Spain mainly during the last 10 years.

Sponsored by

Bruker España S.A.

Addressed to

Biophysicists working on Structure/Function of molecules who developed their main activity in Spain. Preference is given to members of the SBE.


3000 € and a talk delivered by the awardee during the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress (ESAB 2024 – San Sebastian/Donostia, June 5–7, 2024).

How to apply

By sending an e-mail to Douglas Laurents addressed to the President of the SBE, attaching a Curriculum vitae and a summary of your most relevant scientific achievements.

More information

See here the Complete Bases and instructions to apply.

Past winners of this prize

2023: Teresa Giráldez Fernández (Tenerife) and Fernando Moreno-Herrero (Madrid)
2022: Ismael Mingarro (Valencia)
2020/21: Salvador Ventura (Barcelona)
2019: Germán Rivas (Madrid)
2018: F. Javier Luque (Barcelona)
2017: Alicia Alonso (Bilbao) and María García-Parajo (Barcelona)
2016: F. Xavier Gomis-Rüth (Barcelona)
2015: Juan A. Hermoso (Madrid)
2014: Óscar Llorca (Madrid)
2013: José Manuel Sánchez Ruiz (Granada) and Félix Ritort (Barcelona)
2012: Antonio V. Ferrer Montiel (Elche-Alicante) and Marta Bruix (Madrid)
2011: Ignacio Fita (Barcelona)
2010: Modesto Orozco (Barcelona) and José Luis Rodríguez Arrondo (Bilbao)
2008: José García de la Torre (Murcia)
2006: Jesús Pérez Gil (Madrid)
2004: Javier Sancho (Zaragoza)
2002: José María Valpuesta (Madrid)
2000: Miquel Pons (Barcelona)
1998: Rafael Picorel (Zaragoza)



This prize recognizes the trajectory of a Biophysicist with an age limit of 40 with a special contribution to the progress of Biophysics in Spain.

Sponsored by

Prospera Biotech & BCN Peptides

Addressed to

Biophysicists with an age limit of 40 (by December 31, 2023) who developed their main activity in Spain. Preference is given to members of the SBE and to achievements from the last 10 years.


1500 € and a talk delivered by the awardee during the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress (ESAB 2024 – San Sebastian/Donostia, June 5–7, 2024).

How to apply

By sending an e-mail to Douglas Laurents addressed to the President of the SBE, attaching a Curriculum vitae and a summary of your most relevant scientific achievements.

More information

See here the Complete Bases and instructions to apply.

Past winners of this prize

2023: Rafael Fernández Leiro (Madrid) and Miguel Mompeán García (Madrid)

Sponsored by BCN Peptides and Primaderm:

2022: Javier García Nafría (Zaragoza) and Felix Campelo (Castelldefels-Barcelona)
2020/21: Nunilo Cremades (Zaragoza) 
 Iván López-Montero (Madrid)
2018: Pere Roca-Cusachs (Barcelona)
2017: Emilio J. Cocinero (Leioa-Bizkaia) and Carlo Manzo (Vic-Barcelona)
2016: Raúl Pérez-Jiménez (San Sebastian)
2015: Irene Diaz Moreno (Sevilla)
2014: Fernando Moreno (Madrid)

Sponsored by SBE and Werfen-Izasa-Beckman-Coulter:
2013: Xavier Salvatella (Barcelona)
2012: José Manuel Gómez Vilar (Lejona-Vizcaya)
2011: Teresa Giráldez (La Laguna)
2010: Pau Bernardó (Barcelona)

SBE 33


This prize recognizes a young Biophysicist with an age limit of 33, who has contributed significantly to the development of Biophysics, in Spain and/or abroad.

Sponsored by 

Hawk Biosystems

Addressed to

Outstanding young Biophysicists with age limit of 33 (by December 31, 2023), independently of the country where their work has been done. Preference is given to members of the SBE. 


1000 € and a talk delivered by the awardee during the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress (ESAB 2024 – San Sebastian/Donostia, June 5–7, 2024).

How to apply

By sending an e-mail to Douglas Laurents addressed to the President of the SBE, attaching a Curriculum vitae and a summary of your most relevant scientific achievements. 

More information 

See here the Complete Bases and instructions to apply.

Past winners of this prize

Sponsored by AntalGenics:
2023: Sara Hernández Mejías (Madrid) and Rosa Martínez Corral (Barcelona)
2022: Ricard Alert (Dresden)
2020/21: Rafael Tapia-Rojo (New York)
 Anna Alemany (Utrecht)
2018: Joan Camunas-Soler (Stanford)
2017: María Queralt-Martín (Bethesda) and Álvaro Inglés (Klosterneuburg)
2016: Lorena Redondo-Morata (Marseille)
2015: Cecilia Artola (Madrid)
2014: Jorge Alegre Cebollada (Madrid)
2013: Anna Shnyrova (Bilbao)
2012: Sergi García Manyes (London)

Winners of the 2024 prizes

The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2024 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to:



 Dr. Xavier Salvatella, Institut de Recerca Biomèdica de Barcelona

For his remarkable contributions to advance the study of intrinsically disordered domains and biomacromolecular condensates in physiology and pathology.

The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2024 “Enrique Pérez-Payá”  Prospera Biotech & BCN Peptides– SBE-40 prize to: 


Dr. Salvatore Assenza, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

For his outstanding contributions to theoretical soft matter and molecular biophysics. 

Winners of the 2023 prizes

The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2024 Hawk Biosystems – SBE-33 prize to:


Dr. Pablo Carravilla Palomanes (Karolinska Institute)

For his significant studies bridging microscopy and biology. 


The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2023 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to:


Teresa Giráldez Fernández, Universidad de la Laguna (Tenerife)

For her remarkable contributions to advance the study of ion channels and the development of biophysical techniques to unravel the mechanisms of action of those channels and their physiological implications.

Fernando Moreno-Herrero, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CSIC) (Madrid)

For his pioneering biophysical studies of molecular machines involved in DNA repair, organization and replication using single-molecule studies by force microscopy. 


The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2023 “Enrique Pérez-Payá” – SBE-40 prize to: 


Rafael Fernández Leiro, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (Madrid)

For his outstanding studies, using mostly cryoelectron microscopy, on protein complexes that are responsible for DNA replication and maintenance, and their role in cancer.

Miguel Mompeán García, Instituto Química Física “Blas Cabrera” (CSIC) (Madrid)

For his notable efforts in understanding the mechanisms underlying molecular assembly in general and amyloid-type fibre formation in particular.

The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2023 AntalGenics – SBE-33 prize to:


Sara Hernández Mejías, IMDEA Nanociencia (Madrid)

For her significant studies on the use of biological molecules and chemical modifications to create novel materials

Rosa Martínez Corral, Centro de Regulación Genómica (Barcelona)

For her notable contributions to comprehend the roles of allostery in modulating transcription factors and in the origin of pulses and oscillations in biological systems.

Winners of the 2022 prizes

The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2022 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to:

Dr. Ismael Mingarro, Universitat de Valencia (Valencia, Spain)

For his solid and recognized research career devoted to understanding the mechanisms of biogenesis, folding, and insertion of membrane proteins. For his efforts to integrate different disciplines within biophysics, and for his commitment to the development of biophysics in our country.

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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2022 “Enrique Pérez-Payá” – SBE-40 prize to:

Dr. Javier García Nafría, BIFI/Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain) & Dr. Felix Campelo, ICFO (Castelldefels-Barcelona, Spain)

For for their outstanding contributions to the study of the structural biology of membrane proteins and to the investigation of membrane biophysics in the cellular context, respectively.

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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2022 AntalGenics – SBE-33 prize to:

Dr. Ricard Alert, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (Dresden, Germany)

For his remarkable contribution to the study of soft matter physics to understand collective behaviors in cells and tissues.

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Winners of the 2020/21 prizes

The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2020/21 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to:

Dr. Salvador Ventura, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – UAB (Barcelona, Spain)

For his extraordinary scientific trajectory in understanding the mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation and their connection with disease.

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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2020/21 “Enrique Pérez-Payá” – SBE-40 prize to:

Dr. Nunilo Cremades, Universidad de Zaragoza (Zaragoza, Spain)

For her outstanding research focused on the molecular mechanisms of amyloid aggregation and its associated toxicity, underlying neurodegenerative disorders.

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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2020/21 AntalGenics – SBE-33prize to:

Dr. Rafael Tapia-RojoColumbia University (NY, USA),

For his remarkable studies on relevant biophysical problems such as search mechanisms in protein-DNA interactions and the description of protein folding pathways.

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Winners of the 2019 prizes

The Executive Council of  SBE has awarded the 2019 “Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to:

Dr. Germán Rivas, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas -CIB, CSIC (Madrid, Spain),

For his outstanding scientific trajectory in the study of interactions, reactivity and structural organization of supramolecular systems in crowded cell-like environments.

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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2019“Enrique Pérez-Payá” – SBE-40 prize to:

Dr. Iván López-Montero, Universidad Complutense de Madrid – UCM (Madrid, Spain),

For his exceptional research to disentangle vital molecular processes occurring at mitochondrial membranes with a biophysical perspective

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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2019 AntalGenics – SBE-33 prize to:

Dr. Anna Alemany, Hubrecht Institute (Utrecht, The Netherlands),

For her studies on fluctuations and kinetic states in diverse biological processes such as nucleic acid folding or cell differentiation during embryo development, and the development of CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tools to characterize the lineage of individual cells.

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Winners of the 2018 prizes

The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2018“Manuel Rico” – Bruker prize to:

F. Javier Luque, University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain),

For his exceptional scientific trajectory in the study of biomolecular systems and design of novel bioactive compounds, using a diverse array of theoretical and computational approaches, from quantum chemistry to classical simulations and molecular modeling.

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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2018“Enrique Pérez-Payá” – SBE-40 prize to:

Pere Roca-Cusachs, IBEC and University of Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain),

For his outstanding contributions to uncover the physical basis of cellular responses to mechanical signals.


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The Executive Council of SBE has awarded the 2018 AntalGenics – SBE-33 prize to:

Joan Camunas-Soler, Stanford University (CA, USA),

For his studies on binding reactions between nucleic acids and small ligands using single-molecule and non-equilibrium physics approaches and the development of new methods based on optical tweezers to measure the selectivity, thermodynamics and kinetics.

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