The Spanish Biophysical Society (SBE) will fund 20 fellowships (250+IVA) for young researchers to cover the attendance fee of the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress (ESAB 2024).
The applicant must:
• Be a Pre-Doctoral Student at the time of application or a PostDoctoral Researcher who has obtained the Ph.D. degree less than three years ago.
• Be an Ordinary or Associate Member of SBE.
• Submit an abstract for the Congress.
• Prove meeting attendance.
How to apply
Please submit the following documents in your application:
1. Application Letter (in free format, one A4 page limit, explaining their motivation to attend the meeting).
2. Short CV.
3. Proof of SBE membership.
4. Abstract to be submitted to the congress as the first author.
• The award decision announcement will be no later than April 15, 2024.
• Grants will be awarded according to the scientific significance of the application submitted.
• Preference will be given to those applicants who have not received a grant to attend any previous SBE Congress.
• Awardees will not receive more than one grant for attending the European South Atlantic Biophysics Congress (ESAB 2024).
• Awardees will accept the commitment to be SBE member at least until the end of December 2026.
Application Deadline: March 31, 2024
Applications should be sent by email to the SBE Scientific Secretary Douglas Laurents